At Your Service
At Lindan Park, we want to be a resource for you and answer any questions you have about rehabilitation or long term care. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive. Please contact us if you have any additional questions we can answer for you.
How long will I be there?
Well, it depends on what you are coming here for. For instance, an orthopedic patient might be here only 7 days or so and then continue with outpatient therapy after we build up their endurance and strength. Same thing goes for someone who may need IV antibiotics for a few weeks. When you first get here, an individualized care plan will be developed by your physician and therapists, as well as the nursing department. To sum it up: It’s case by case. One thing is for sure is the harder you work in therapy, the sooner you will go home.
Will I see a doctor there?
Yes! We have several physicians who attend our patients. They are affiliated with the local hospitals and make rounds frequently. For rehab patients, a physician will come at least once a week to see your progress. If they also have a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant, they may come even more.
Will I get therapy as soon as I get there?
Typically, you would receive therapy the first day after your arrival.
Taking into account that the patient has not used any skilled nursing days, Medicare will pay up to 100 days of rehabilitation and skilled nursing services. There is no guarantee of the length of services that will be paid for by Medicare. It is based on the progression of the patient in the rehabilitation program and the need for skilled nursing services. Medicare will pay for the first 20 days at 100%.
The remaining 80 days will still be covered by Medicare; however, a co-pay of $170.50 (2019 rate) for each day is required for days 21-100. Some secondary insurances cover all or part of this co-pay. Check with the facility’s Business Office if you have questions about your secondary insurance. Medicaid will also pay the co-pay amount.